
A perfect morning routine

If you feel exhausted in the morning, tired, without any motivation to wake up, fighting with the time, you should think about it and make some changes. Some mornings are difficult, but not every morning! You shouldn’t feel lost in your morning, on the contrary, you should be full of energy for a new day.

So, how to enjoy every morning and start your day in the best possible mood ? These are my 8 tips how to make beautiful morning from every morning.

1. Don’t hit snooze

Firstly, you need to have a good sleep. If you want to have energy through the day, you need to wake up rested. Set a pleasant alarm sound (birds, your favourite song…), set only 1 alarm, that means you’ll have only one chance to wake up and you won’t hit snooze. Put your alarm away from you, you’ll have to move your body in the morning. And if you get up, go straight to the bathroom and start your morning.

2. Don’t scroll on your phone
While you’re sleeping, you are alone without any noise. Why immediately after waking up you let hundreds of people, hundreds of their problems get into your head? Social networks force you to solve other people’s problems, to live their life, not yours. But you have your own life, joys and problems. Focus on yourself, on your own peace. Enjoy the time with yourself and prepare for a day which’ll bring a lot of chaos itself.

3. Get ready for the day
In the morning your brain is sleepy, you need to wake it up. Start with light things e.g. make your bed, brush your teeth, open the blinds and let the light wakes you up. Also focus on things you like, what gives you joy, energy. Only then you’ll wake up exited for morning. It could be morning coffee, listening music…

4. Hydratation
Your body sweats during the night and is dehydrated in the morning, you need to fill your body with water-rehydrate it. Don’t forget to take vitamins and minerals, your body will need them during the day. Also don’t forget to rehydrate your face too.

Tip: Energy shots are perfect, they boost you with energy and give you healthy vitamins.

5. Don’t skip breakfast
After night is our body starved, ready to receive energy, which wakes you up, makes you feel active and vital. Healty breakfast gives you that energy, but breakfast full of sugar, fat is a complete nutritional disaster and metabolic poison. High-carb, low-fiber food will cause, that blood sugar level rises quickly and then plummet, leading to even more fatigue, irritability, and moodiness.

A proper breakfast should contain enough fiber, vitamins, proteins and complex carbohydrates.
If you are not used to breakfast, start with small doses, if you don’t have time, try to find it. Your body will thank you.

6. Morning movement
Movement is great helper for a positive mind, for relieving stress. You’ll be relieved immediately in the morning, ready for a positive day with waken body.

Of course not everyone like to exercise in the morning, but exercise is a general term. Morning exercise can be 10 minutes stretch up on the floor, walk with the dog or go by walk, bike to work/school…

7. Positive mindset

Be happy that you have the opportunity to wake up and work on yourself for a better self. Make plans for a new day, what you want to see, do, where you want to go through the day. Clean your space around you, there’s no better feeling than waking up into clean environment. Try to prepare food/breakfast the night before, if you know something is waiting for you, you’ll have more motivation to wake up.

If you follow these steps, you’ll feel much better. At the beginning, you may feel uncomfortable bc. you’ll step out of your comfort zone and work on your change, that’s OK. The morning itself is a great way how to start new day with being in touch with yourself.

Go love yourself.