
After school routine

Sometimes we get lost in our daily rush. School days are not easy. Mostly we think we don’t have time but balance is very important for us to not burn out. Yes, it’s true that school takes from you a lot of time but you can turn that time for your glow. 🙂 Here’s some tips to manage your after school time.

Change your clothes

When you get home change into something cosy. Your brain turns into home mood and you will feel more comfortable and relaxed. 🙂 Also you can dress into your fitness clothes to do workout later..

Clean your space

Clean enviroment= clean mind. You will feel more organised and productive. Unpacked your school bag, clean your desk. Open the window for fresh air.

Do some workout

You don’t need to go to gym, sometimes it’s better to do some 10min stretching than lying in bed scrolling TikTok. You can workout at home, or go for a walk, run…it’s on you what kind of movement you chose. What you like, where you can turn off your mind after long day at school.

Have a dinner

Full day we are in ,,stress inveroment”. Your body needs energy for another activities, next study…so eat nutrition food which gives you a lot of energy.

Do you homework

This will prepare you for a next step, which is study. I wrote about tips how to study.

Take some break

Eat some snacks or watch something fun. Enjoy free minutes…

Prepare for another day

Prepare your bag, clothes, make some plans for tomorrow..

Have a night routine

This puts you into night-calm mood, so your body can take some rest after a long day.

Having a routine is very important for your body, mind. So you can learn how to do things automaticly without thinking about them. Trought the routine you can be consistent with yourself, make new habits and change your life.

Take care of yourselves,

Love you.